Help Mint grow!






"Best summer job ever!" - Seyi Akintoroye, Mint worker 2019 and 2020

Like many of our initiatives, Mint's summer jobs program is growing. In 2022 we hired 23 Detroit area youth,  almost twice as many as two years ago.  We also are engaging more children with more free arts and crafts and free coloring pages.

We invite you to support Mint Artists Guild, a 501c3 nonprofit, with a weekly, monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual donation. This will grow our reach, continue our momentum and offer more community art and entrepreneurial training and opportunities. Learn more about our many record connections to children and youth in our 2021 Success by the Numbers blog post:

Whether you give $5 a month or donate $500 or more, your support goes a long way with Mint, since we are creative in our approach and art, careful with our funds and entrepreneurial in our strategies. 

If your business matches donations, please contact us.  If you or your company wish to sponsor Mint, please give today - or be in touch! 

Please make a gift now!

We are a 501c3 and Michigan nonprofit. So all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.

Donor Wall 22

Mark Blocker Foundation | $10/M

Barbara Barefield | $100

Margaret Wilson | $260.22

Luke | $100

This donation is made in honor of Michael Messina, an amazing friend of the arts.

Mark Blocker Foundation | $10.72/M

The Peacock Room | $100

Happy to support such a great organization! Thanks to Vickie Elmer for so much passion for your mission ❤️

Brian Moore

Promoting Youth Creativity

Karen Tyler-Ruiz

Sydney Catton | $50

Born and Raised Detroit | $2,077.15/M

We love Mint! Thanks so much for partnering with us at our Thanksgiving event. We are excited to see the great things our grant will help you accomplish! -Born and Raised Detroit

Mark Blocker Foundation | $26.27/M

Sharlene Welton | $25

Such a great group! Thanks for all you do to promote the arts! Next time I hope to attend the fundraiser by Charlene Ursey!

Judy Bowman | $100

I love that teen are learning to growing their art businesses!

Brian Moore

Barbara Barefield | $100

Jennette Kotila | $207.35

Contribution toward coloring book printing

Watercolor Cafe

Whitney Griffin | $50

1XRUN | $500

100% of profits from 1XRUN art by black artists released on June 30, 2020 - donated in support of #BlackLivesMatter


Margaret | $50


Grow, Mint, grow!