Help Fund the Cure for WWOX
Children across the world are struggling. Each day they struggle to breathe, to see, to eat, to sleep, to walk and to talk. They suffer from onslaughts of countless seizures and fail to develop as a typical child.
The cause is hidden deep in their DNA in a gene called WWOX. Mutations of the WWOX gene is the cause of 2 devastating diseases, WOREE (WWOX-related Epileptic Encephalopathy) and SCAR12 (Spinocerebellar Ataxia-12). There are only 58 known cases of WOREE and SCAR12 worldwide. These diseases are stealing the futures of these children. The average lifespan of children with severe cases of WOREE syndrome is only 4 years of age.
But there is Hope. Researchers from around the world have banded together to find a cure. Recent laboratory testing has proven that mice with a WWOX mutation can be cured using a gene therapy treatment. However, funding for the research has been completely exhausted. Due to the extreme rarity of this disease funding is hard to come by and we need caring individuals such as yourself to help the cause.
-AUD $200,000 is required to complete the vital preclinical research and trial and a further,
-AUD $100,000 is required for the preclinical data to be reviewed and documented with the assistance of a third-party organisation to gain regulatory approval to proceed with a clinical trial.
Will you help provide hope for these children and their families by donating to the WWOX foundation?
There is no administrative overhead and each dollar donated goes directly to this life-saving research.
For more information about WWOX diseases and the WWOX Foundation please visit
Donor Wall324
Antonio Rodriguez | $26,27
Recaudación Mima'm sudadera Zoe guerrera.
Catalina Barraza | $1.267,19
Money from the food sale fundraiser held this weekend and donations from friends & family.
Abuelita Zoe | €300
De parte de Carmen Lydia, Reca y Eirin para Zoe
Irene Roman | €120
Todos con Zoe! Alicia (Maristas)
Antonio | €21,03
Mucho ánimo guerrera!!!
EDUARDO | A$5,60
Para Zoe de parte de Eduard
Elizabeth Roberts | £5
On behalf of Val Ingram for Harry and George
Cristiane Da Dilva | R$137,81
Pelo Matheus Rodrigues 🇧🇷
Pedro Sáez Casanova | A$52,33
Por Zoe!!💪🏾😘
Papás Zoe | €100
De parte de Eladio y Merche para Zoe. Gracias
Papás Zoe | €20
De parte de Pepe para Zoe. Gracias
Papás Zoe Valiente | €20
De parte de Esperanza para Zoe. Gracias
roi | €200
Para Zoe y todos los peques luchadores, con toda la esperanza e ilusión de este proyecto
Courage à tous et surtout à Micol de tout cœur avec vous tous ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Charlotte | £761,65
From friends and family of Sophie Lloyd.
Sarah | $300
My mother Mary Grunewald passed away. My greandson, her great grandson, Oliver Bates has been diagnosed at 5 weeks with WWOX. She wanted memorial money to go to your foundation in hopes it will help find a cure for this awful genetic mutation.
Papás Zoe | €100
De parte de la tía Pilar para Zoe. Muchas gracias
Cristiane Aparecida | R$1.974,70
Dinheiro arrecado da Hamburgada do Matheus Rodrigues da Silva e para todas as nossas lindas crianças da Fundação WWOX. Mais uma doação cheia de fé e esperança que tudo vai dar certo e logo estaram todos curados através dessa Terapia Gênica. Com muito amor dos Papais, Família e Amigos do Matheus 💜
tracy | $100
Elizabeth Roberts | £20
On behalf of Enfys Jones for Harry and George x
For beautiful little Sophie and her amazing family, Charlotte, Alan & Edward who are just amazing. Lots of love and wishes for this to be the way forward xx
Azahara Valero | €31,41
De una familia de Villena que quiere aportar su granito de arena. Para Zoe y todos los niños.
Sonia Rosa | R$1.000
Na vida todos os dias temos oportunidades de aprender, e ensinar, de fazer pelo outro e Agradecer... Agradeço ao Matheus Rodrigues da Silva, e seus amigos que estao juntos nesta jornada aguardando a cura, e durante esta espera nos ensinando e ajudando a sermos melhores e dando oportunidade à ciência de encontrar novos caminhos para a cura desta deficiencia e outras que possam existir. In life every day we have opportunities to learn, and to teach, to do for others and to thank ... I thank Matheus Rodrigues da Silva, and his friends who are together on this journey waiting for the cure, and during this waiting teaching and helping us to to be better and giving science an opportunity to find new ways to cure this deficiency and others that may exist.
Daniela Rosa | R$157,47
Fazemos esta doaçao em nome de Matheus Rodrigues da Silva, desejamos sucesso na pesquisa e no tratamento de todas as crianças. Que Deus abençoe esta jornada rumo â cura de todos estes pequenos guerreiros. Esperança, Amor e Paz a cada um. Tio Roni, Tia Dani e Jorge Henrique.
Cristiane Aparecida Rodrigues da Silva | R$1.559,34
Dinheiro arrecadado no Domingo Japonês com a venda de Yakisoba realizado para o Matheus Rodrigues e as Crianças wwox. Pelos papais Cris e Deni, Vovó Sandra, nossa família (primos) e os amigos Lilian, Rose e Silvio. Que a cura dos nossos filhos queridos aconteça em 2021.
Flávia e Maurício Waldmann Lilla | R$439,92
Carol Lilla’s birthday party
RITA IORIO | R$520,88
Carol Lilla’s birthday party