Help Fund Clothing Closet

Covid-19 tried to slow us down, but we're not giving up that easily! The team at FTGC has been planning and working for months to get into a larger space that will be the home for our foster care clothing closet and FTGC office/headquarters. The clothing closet has become a vital service to local foster families and the backbone of our organization. We really need a home to call our own with space to better serve foster and adoptive families. We thought we had a plan in place...but Coronavirus and Stay-At-Home orders put a big halt in our fundraising plans. As life is slowly returning to normal, we are ready to move forward and make this dream a reality!
Will you help us raise $15,000 to get into our building?!?! Our goal is to raise this amount by June 1 - in less than a month! We need your help!!! This money will help cover operating expenses including rent, utilities, and building renovations for a year! It's a small amount that will make a huge impact.
We've already been blessed with a generous donation from the Hargrove Foundation to kick off our fundraising! But we need our friends to step up and get creative! Will you help us? Here's a few ways you can get involved:
-Donate now. You can sign up as a monthly sponsor (even as little as $5/month helps!) or give a one-time gift.
-If FTGC has impacted you through volunteering, donating, or coming alongside you in your foster care or adoption journey, share this with others! Share how getting involved in foster care and adoption has made a difference in your life and ask people to join you in getting FTGC into our building.
-Get your creative juices flowing and pledge to raise a certain amount. Need ideas? Have you been dying to shave your head, give yourself bangs, or dye your hair a crazy color? How about challenging your friends to contribute, and if you reach a certain goal, you will do something crazy! Or maybe you love to take pictures and offer to do porch sittings in your neighborhood for donations. Maybe you walk your neighbors' pets or mow lawns on a Saturday and donate the proceeds. Do whatever fits you!
We know that this has been a hard time for our country and our communities. But we have also seen firsthand how our community rallies together to support one another. And we trust that God has got this! We believe that together, we can reach this goal in record time! And we can't wait to welcome foster and adoptive families into the new home of Fostering Together Gulf Coast.
To learn more about Fostering Together Gulf Coast, visit