Hello! My name is Solvita, I’m from Latvia. Someone already knows me, for someone else I’m just a stranger. And I need your help to raise money to help my dad with hip surgery.
For almost 2,5 years he’s been treated badly, and due to false diagnosis pain got real intense. No painkillers or other procedures are helpful at the moment. He can’t walk, stand, laying or even sleeping without pain. Yet he still must go to work - he is a constructor, and it’s physical and hard job. And he can’t “not do that” or “change jobs”, he is very loyal, hard-worker, and he is losing his mind about not being able to support his family, his wife and kid.
What is now? We finally got appointment with amazing doctor, who just right away was able to spot the RIGHT problem. Unfortunately, my dad needs hip surgery and really fast, because we already lose a lot of time. There are two options - get surgery now (which is doctor’s must do) or wait 1+ year for a free place with the huge risk of affecting the other leg. Surgery costs around 4,5K + hospital fees for rehabilitation + half year support of not being able to work.
I must say, some people would suggest just to wait, but I just can’t see my dad like that. It’s killing me, my mom. We are not fancy family, and, believe me, we are trying our best to support each other. But I feel like it’s not really enough. Doctor is really pushing to get surgery now.
That’s why I’m here. To ask your help, whoever you are. Even a few euro would still make a difference to achieving this goal.