Thank you for helping closing the gap in health care!

Closing the Gap in Health Care for African Americans and the Underserved has, over the past 12 years, been providing education about health disparities throughout the community. 

We have a presence on social media, television, and radio and participate in seminars for men and women in this community and other areas. Our work has been validated by MUSC, via FOCUS group, and we know that we are making an impact that matters. Our efforts have been recognized locally, statewide, and nationally.

Your help allows us to give scholarships to African American students at MUSC which will increase the number of African American health care professionals in the state of South Carolina. 

More African American health care professionals will close the gap in health care.

Thank you again.

I am Dr. Thaddeus John Bell, closing the gap in health disparities for African Americans and the underserved.

CPWJ is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 56-2430722. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.