Heat for Humanity operates as a project under a private limited company (Staple Designs Ltd.), not a registered charity. Donations are not tax-deductible. Your contributions will be used to support the costs of manufacturing, transporting, and installing wood-burning stoves. A portion of your donation (up to 15%) may be allocated to administrative costs to ensure the effective and sustainable operation of the project.
Donor Wall11
Anonymous | £25
I'm from Ukraine myself, and I’m so grateful to everyone who keeps supporting Ukraine, keeps spreading awareness and doing what they can to help. We see it and we truly appreciate it, thank you so so much ♡
Chris Todd | £25
Well done Sam and team for this brilliant initiative.
Lesley | £25
Sue Webster | £26.28
Well done, this is such a brilliant thing to do. I wish you all the very best
David | £5
Incredible work!
Nick Driver | £250
Such a worthwhile cause , keep up the good work !
Melanie | £250
This is an amazing project supporting a great cause !
Julie Todd | £50
Karen Edgley | £100
Dave | £50
What a brilliant project. We wish you every success.
Donor Wall11
Anonymous | £25
I'm from Ukraine myself, and I’m so grateful to everyone who keeps supporting Ukraine, keeps spreading awareness and doing what they can to help. We see it and we truly appreciate it, thank you so so much ♡
Chris Todd | £25
Well done Sam and team for this brilliant initiative.
Lesley | £25
Sue Webster | £26.28
Well done, this is such a brilliant thing to do. I wish you all the very best
David | £5
Incredible work!
Nick Driver | £250
Such a worthwhile cause , keep up the good work !
Melanie | £250
This is an amazing project supporting a great cause !
Julie Todd | £50
Karen Edgley | £100
Dave | £50
What a brilliant project. We wish you every success.