Health Heroes Donation
Please help support the psychological support, medical assistance campaigning and lobbying work of Health Heroes to improve YOUR and YOUR loved ones quality of life. No donation too large or small.
Health Heroes Forum, Spencer's Stars and was established by a UK businessman and father to three children - Spencer, who was sadly stillborn at 36 weeks in 2015 - who over the past 35+ years has personally or indirectly been battling many of the issues the Health Heroes Forum now supports.
He is still fighting for improved quality of lives and now he and others want to help make change happen for all marginalised / stigmatised people. It starts with talking taboos; lifting and extinguishing the psychological burden / stigmas these often unspoken issues create. Then we #makeshifthappen!
Together WE can transform stigma into stardust. We believe no matter what your challenge you can and absolutely deserve to have an amazingly, positive and inclusive future. Where your life challenge can eventually be transformed into your greatest gift; your own heroic superpower bringing you into an abundant and fulfilling life.