Imiliwaha Surgical Center Equipment






Tour the SURGERY CENTER (7/23, 4.5 min)
Friends of Imiliwaha representatives toured the Surgery Center and clinic in July, 2023 with Dr. Francis, one of the center's physicians.  FOI is committed to raise funds for the new x-ray building and equipment. (TOUR

Opened for patients in September 2021! UPDATE 2021!

Here is a short video tour of the new health center (under construction) led by S. Fausta. You'll see the medical supplies being delivered and the solar panels.

One of the doctor's houses, complete.

FOI committed to helping the Sisters build 2 modest houses for the government-provided medical staff. No housing alternatives exist on the Imiliwaha campus or in nearby villages. As of 3-22, those houses are now built, and the doctors have moved in and are seeing patients!

The surgery center is thriving, but other needs became apparent. Thus, the new (11/24) diagnostic center! 

X-ray machineAny time an x-ray is required, the patient needs to make the long trek into Njombe, on horribly bumpy roads, requiring time, a vehicle, money for fuel.

Not only was the x-ray machine needed, but it required a separate building, and a generator. As of November 2024, the diagnostic center is built, equipment (x-ray and ultrasound) being installed, and generator being hooked up.

Still needed - Mammograph machine 

The clinic sees a high number of women who need adequate diagnostic services such as the mammograph.

As of November '24, the FOI board is raising funds for this equipment, estimated at $32,000.

Mortuary storage system. In Imiliwaha, the logistics of dealing with the body of the deceased requires hours of travel over almost impassable roads to have the corpse prepared for burial. Then back to Imiliwaha for the burial. The cost, for transporting and processing the body, is significant. The time and difficulty involved in transporting to and from Njombe is a hardship. Now, with the surgery center in operation, this major hardship can be addressed.

A 3-door mortuary system will cost about $15,000 USD.

How important is this surgery center?

The remote location and pervasive poverty of the Benedictine Sisters of Imiliwaha (Tanzania) make even the most basic Imiliwaha, Tanzaniahealth care services scarce, to the point of life-threatening. Friends of Imiliwaha NFP committed to improving health care for the Benedictine Sisters in Imiliwaha and for the surrounding villagers. Without this facility, villagers must travel, often by foot, on 40+ miles of rugged dirt roads to get to the nearest medical facility in Njombe.


In 2018, the Sisters were given a government mandate to upgrade their clinic to include 2 Old clinicsurgery rooms. If not, their facility would be downgraded to a dispensary with no inpatient care.  FOI committed to raising a substantial part of this project's needed funds. As of 2021, this project was completed! 

The government officials are thrilled with the additional services and are working with the Sisters to identify other ways the center can serve health care needs.

Front view of the new surgery center


Surgery center solar panels


FOI Board found ways to get equipment and supplies for the clinic. The health care committee worked with Sister Rustica, Sister-Doctor Beatrice, and others in Imiliwaha to attain and transport equipment and supplies. 

The construction has been completed. Solar panels installed. Equipment and furnishings are set. A few pieces of essential equipment need to be purchased in Tanzania.

FOI asks for support--individuals, service organizations, corporations, foundations, religious groups, etc.--to wrap up these needs.  If you can connect us to any possible support, please contact us. 

FOI is committed to this challenge! 

Sister-Doctor Beatrice Kayombo

Sister-Doctor Beatrice 

FOI continues to support Sister-Doctor Beatrice Kayombo. She completed her residency at the National Hospital in Dar Es Salaam, focused on oncology. She  graduated in 2020.  As of October 2021, she works full-time as an oncologist at the National Hospital in Dar. She also oversees the care of Sisters being treated in Dar Es Salaam who stay at her convent. 

Donations for specific medical causes can be made by indicating your wishes in the COMMENTS section of our donation form. 

Friends of Imiliwaha is a 501 (c)(3) organization as determined by the IRS. Our FEIN number is 45-3811165. Your donation is tax-deductible as allowed by law.