Sponsor a Songbird Feeder at Auchnerran

Our songbird feeders cost £80 to buy distribute, fill and maintain for the winter hunger gap, so support is greatly appreciated.

By supporting this initiative, you will not only be benefitting our songbirds at the GWCT Auchnerran Demonstration Farm, but also aiding scientific research on how to utilise feeders best, potentially benefitting songbird populations across the UK. Additionally, when sponsoring a feeder, we will be able to send you pictures of songbirds using your feeder so you can see first hand the songbirds you are supporting.

With your help we can continue our research and hopefully help preserve the dawn chorus for generations to come. It only takes a minute and all cards, Direct Debit, Apple Pay, Google Pay and PayPal are accepted.

*You are a UK Tax payer and would like Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust (Charity No 1112023) to reclaim tax on any membership subscription/donations paid within the last four years. You must pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax that the charity reclaims on your donations in the tax year. It is your responsibility to pay any difference.