Grace Matters Community

Grace Matters is passionate about helping individuals and families break the generational cycles of abuse, neglect, and lack of resources caused by poverty, oppression, and ignorance. Support for the families we help is vital.  Ongoing support to assure that basic needs such as food, clothing, sometimes shelter, gas, fees for daycare, diapers, hygiene items etc. are in constant demand.  We are amazed at how having these simple staples provided is the foundation of support needed to allow these families to feel safe to start taking steps to get the much needed healing, mentoring, and confidence that true life change brings.  Thank you for contributing to this much needed continual healing process. You are helping bring thriving transformation  to our local community.

Grace Matters is a Section 501 (c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 81-2240475. All donations are tax-deductible. Please keep your receipt as reminder of your contribution.