Gospel-Giving Sunday

Every winter the Gospel Challenge Foundation needs to order from the printer to have in inventory the number of Gospel of John Gift Editions needed for churches to buy for Gospel-Giving Sunday. This year our cost will be $40,000 for 30,000 copies.

Anyone who donates to this Scripture Distribution Fund will be advancing the gospel through their giving, not once, but many times over. Each year, your investment in God’s kingdom will be reinvested when we place another order—and on and on. As the years go by, each $100 invested will buy another $100 worth of Gospels. In 10 years, $100 will have bought 1,000 Gospels, and $1,000 will have bought 10,000 Gospels. 

What better way to use your money than to fund an eternal investment (with an eternal reward) that never stops growing in the number of souls saved! As Jesus said about sowing seed in Matthew 13:8: Some “fell on good soil and produced a crop—some a hundred, some sixty, and some thirty times” greater than that which was sown.


Use your dollars to sow the gospel, and some will fall upon good soil. When someone receives Christ, the angels in heaven rejoice. Turn your dollars into a gift that keeps on giving, leading people to Jesus.