Goodwill Giving Day

Donor Wall236

Joanna Yates | $20

Love Goodwill!!

Amber | $10

Pharra Burleson | $50

Goooo East!!

Michelle | $10

Lisa | $20

Kroger is Happy to be working with the East Broadway Opportunity Center and we hope our partnership continues!

Vandy Moore | $20

Sonya | $10

Michelle | $10

Michael Wilson | $15

Dane'Sha Thompson | $10

I love what Goodwill does for the community and the state of Kentucky. I wanted to show my support as employee.

Missy Worley | $20

From Missy & Donnie Worley

Natasha | $15

Theresa A Miller | $20


Melissa | $50

Trisha Bergman | $20

Tabitha Marcum | $10

Antonio | $25

I applaud Goodwill Industries for their dedication to helping others in need. Continue to do GREAT things!

Telisa Phelps | $25

Kenna | $50

Tamara Phelps

Preslie Everman

Jamie Claycomb | $20

Lisa Garrison-Ragsdale | $50

Goodwill Opportunity Centers have positively impacted many lives. So much good work is happening across the Commonwealth here. Those that work at Goodwill Opportunity Centers pour their heart and soul into their patrons. My life and the lives of my children have been enriched by our involvement with Goodwill Opportunity Centers.

Gary Wilson | $10

Ray | $10

Rachel Perry convinced me to donate. Thank you Goodwill for your services.

Elizabeth | $10

I appreciate all you all do for so many others. Continuing to giving others second chances.

Cindy Jackson | $10

Betty Bergman | $500

Goodwill means "yes" and is blessing lives through its Lexington Opportunity Center!
