Gutsy Women Gala Brunch 2025: Table Hosts

Dear Sponsor,

Thank you in advance for your support! 

Your generosity as a table host makes it possible for the Caucus to financially support local pro-choice, pro-equality candidates each election cycle. 

Our mission for women to serve in all levels of government and fight for reproductive freedom and gender equality is only possible with your support as a table host each year.

Gala details are coming soon! In the meantime, mark your calendars as follows:

  • Date: Saturday, May 3rd
  • Time: 9:30am-12pm
  • Doors open at 9am for coffee, brunch buffet, and networking

As a table host you will not only be recognized for your contribution, but also be invited to a private honorary co-chair reception. Scheduling details are to come.

As you purchase your table, please note:

  • We have not raised ticket prices this year, and hope you will cover credit card charges with your purchase, if you are able.
  • If you purchase a table of 8 or a half-table, the Gala committee will fill remaining seats at your table with other ticket buyers. 

The Gala Committee will reach out to you for the names of your guests.

We look forward to seeing you May 3rd!

Please note: Tickets are non-refundable.

All purchases are non-refundable. Note: This event is a fundraiser for a political action committee. Therefore, tickets and sponsorships to this event cannot be purchased with campaign funds.