Giving Tuesday 2022






Giving Tuesday 2022 is a day to celebrate Friendship Force and to support our mission of world peace.  This Giving Tuesday we are doing things differently.  ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of donations collected will go to club support!  Clubs will have the option to submit requests for grants from FFI to be used to support their club's efforts to rebuild after the pandemic.  

Thank you for donating to our 2022 Giving Tuesday campaign and helping to ensure clubs THRIVE in 2023!

If you would like to mail in a donation, checks can be sent to:

Friendship Force International

279 West Crogan Street

Lawrenceville, GA 30046

Donor Wall 18

john tone | $100

In memory of my dear friend Adrienne Moen. She loved her time spent with FFI friends on many journeys and as president of the Greater Des Moines Club and as a FFI regional director.

Daniel | $100

Wendy Horacek | $100

Vicki | $100

In memory of my dear friend, Jennie Dyson, founder of the FF Cornwall, UK club. She was my first host and I was her first ambassador. Our friendship lasted until she passed away three years ago. Lovely memories of times spent visiting Cornwall or her visiting me in Louisiana.

Kay | $200

Kay from Sarasota, FL. Have made so many great lifelong friendships through our local club and Friendship Force journeys.

Ray Doonkeen | $100

Sacramento Friendship Force Club | $500

Sacramento FF enthusiastically donates this money to encourage other clubs to continue to participate in our mission.


Kathy Herring | $50

Christine | $50

I appreciate all your dedicated staff is doing to keep Friendship Force viable.

Leslie Badaines | $100

This donation is in appreciation of FF Knoxville’s recent Journey to FF Gold Coast and FF North Moreton, Australia

Barbara Blakistone | $100


I love Friendship Force. It has opened up a wonderful world to my friends and family. Thank you.


In loving memory of Godfrey Peterson from MInnesota Twin Cities FF club

Friendship Force Leuven | $400


in memory of Godfrey Peterson

Roberts Wood | $50/M

Dana Jackson