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Giving Birth to New Life

“Our family is on public assistance and the only really good food we get comes through the food bank from Hungry World Farm.” - Name withheld by request

“We arrived just hoping to escape the city, but left with a new passion for regenerative agriculture and commitment to saving our environment.” - Jess

“This 175 acre farm could attract thousands of people to Tiskilwa, Princeton, and Bureau county. Of course I’ll donate and volunteer!” - Sam

Discover what you helped us do during the last year at

Do you wonder what the farm really does? What's our vision?

Our hope is to help you - and thousands of other people - live happier, healthier lives through regenerative agriculture experiences that result in nutritious food while restoring the health of our environment. 

These experiences include our Farm Learning Center, produce deliveries to food banks, tours, field trips, farm to table food events, overnight stays, field days, workshops, volunteer opportunities, apprenticeships, internships and employment. 

These experiences are for the people you love - from your family and friends…to children and farmers…to local residents who need nutritious food… to city dwellers who want to escape their traffic and electronics-soaked lives…to anyone desiring a better life created in harmony with nature.

Look at what we are working on :) Scroll to see the graphic below. Let us know what you would prefer your donation support.These inspirational and educational activities occur on our 175 acre farm - a living classroom of crops and fields, gardens and pastures, forests, bluffs and valleys.

In this biodynamic laboratory, we experiment with composting, managed grazing, forest stewardship, foraging, permaculture, and silvopasture to produce nutrient dense and delicious food.

By doing this in ways that work with nature, we regenerate topsoilincrease biodiversity of plants and species of all kinds, restore and clean watersheds that can withstand droughts, and draw down carbon and nitrogen from the atmosphere to bring life into the earth.

Farming can be difficult to sustain financially, especially as we work with nature and seek less to control it through subsidized mechanical and chemical means, so to support our work we turn to people who share our passion and purpose: volunteers of time and skills, donors of equipment and furniture, funders of projects and dreams. You and your family, friends, and neighbors.

As stewards of these resources and the land, we seek to manage them responsibly. Our activities and enterprises are launched only when we have a realistic plan for financial sustainability. We pursue projects that are not just in our hearts - but also in your heart - and the hearts of others who contribute to support people who are struggling and the land we love.

Your donation supports our efforts to be financially self-sufficient through farming and agritourism.While grounded in farming, we may do many things. Airbnbs and wedding dinners. Reunions and retreats. T-shirts and tours. Sales of produce and meat. These can help provide funds that are critical to keeping alive our mission and giving birth to new life for years to come.

It is a privilege for us to learn, grow and build something special together - with you.

By working with these 175 acres to demonstrate the power of regenerative agriculture, we hope to impact the lives of thousands of people, every year, for generations.

Our purpose is to help you - and the people you love - live happier, healthier lives.

Whatever you are searching for to improve your life. Whatever your background or skill or desire. Whether a weeklong volunteer project or a weekend escape. Whether you are donating from afar to support land health or a bottle fed lamb.

There is a place for you at Hungry World Farm.

P.S. Please make a recurring donation now - and subscribe to notifications to find out what we are planning for every area of the farm. It's so exciting!!!

P.P.S. Know that your public comment will inspire others. Please let other people know what you care about and why you support our work.

How can the farm help you and the people you love on your health and happiness journey? 
How will we do that in a way that regenerates the soil, biodiversity, and watersheds?  
We'd love to hear your ideas, involve your hands, and be worthy of your support.

Did you know?

2021: 3,100 lbs produce donated and 14,600 lbs total produce distributed

2022: 4,450 lbs produce donated and 18,000 lbs total produce distributed

2023: 5,200 lbs produce donated and 26,000 lbs total produce distributed

Here are a few of the people who helped make this happen in 2023