Give to Greatness







Ethos Classical is only as strong as the champions who support us. 

Our public funding falls below that of surrounding public schools, which means we must make-up the difference in order to cover the costs of our building, enrichment programming, and classroom supplies.

Whether you donate $1 or $10,000, your support will help to ensure our scholars have the extraordinary education they deserve.

Each dollar makes a difference.

No goods or services were provided in exchange for this contribution. Ethos Classical, Inc. is an exempt organization as described in Section501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN #47-5273375.

Donor Wall41

Jennifer Virostko | $2,000

Monique | $520.87

Towards Monique Childress's board commitment

Leonard Robinson | $104.42

Investing in the future!

The Abbott Family | $1,038.73

Supporting Tony Mitchell’s goal.

Anonymous | $104.15

Teacher Appreciation - Board

Anonymous | $519.52

Teacher appreciation from the Board!!

Katie DeSantis | $156.07

Ethos is an inspiration! Wish i could commute my NC kids to go there!

Herneshia Dukes | $52.23

Michael & Kanesha Fox | $519.52

Always happy to help the community. Thanks Tony for including us!

Diriki | $75

Keep up the great work, happy to see Tony Mitchell helping the community on this Board!

Yvesner | $26.27

It’s never a bad time to invest in our future for the sake of our future. Thanks for sharing Tony! #YvesLovesTheKids

Alexis Jones | $208

Praying for much success and abundance for the Scholars. Thank You for including us on this initiative, Tony Mitchell! - Transcend Clinical Services, Inc.

Joshua | $26.27

Donating towards Tony Mitchell’s goal. Thanks for your leadership.

Nelli Benson | $52.23


Yasmin | $26.27

Supporting Avery Watts

Sachin Gujral | $52.23

“Hello, here is a small donation from your teammates here at CTS. We’d do more but we have to operate within eRate donation rules, please know that beyond the dollar amount this really is meant to represent our appreciation of our partnership and work together. We are proud to support your mission to our next generation. Happy Holidays from your IT Team.”

Debbie Thompson | $104.15

Tricia Brooks | $259.92

Sandra | $208

Educate & Empower! Tony we are glad to support your efforts. Mom & Dad


Happy to support these kids, this program and look forward to seeing what they have store for us in the future. Thanks Tony for sending this my way. #NoUsher

Michael | $52.23

Diriki Geuka | $26.27

Supporting Tony Mitchell via Ethos

Rashad stallings | $26.27

Donating towards Tony Mitchell’s goal.

Greg | $156.07

Joymarie | $50

Katherine | $26.27

Vanessa Charles

Rachel Bowick | $15.89

Lucas Metzler | $78.19