🎄Give a gift of love to AMURTEL Family

Two new children arriving soon!  

There is excitement in AMURTEL Family children's home as winter holidays approach, with two new girls soon to arrive and join our family.  We are waiting for Child Protection to decide who it will be, so this will be the biggest surprise gift of the season. Imagine their delight, the first time they will discover the magic of presents under the tree with their names!  When children come out of situations of neglect and into the love, warmth and festivities of Christmas at AMURTEL Family, it always touches their hearts, and the hearts of all of you that make this magic possible. 

The Gift of Transforming their Childhood
Besides making sure the children will enjoy presents, delicious foods and of course chocolates, the most important and priceless gift you can give the new girls and all of the children is to finally have the safety, love and protection they need to grow up strong and healthy. Your gifts will be giving them a chance to reconstruct their childhood with joyful experiences, loving relationships and sweet memories. 

Keep delicious meals on the table all year

A Gift that Gives Long Term Satisfaction 

Especially when you decide to make a monthly gift, then you will be providing the children at AMURTEL Family with the stability of nutritious warm food on the table every day, nice clothes, and good care throughout the year.  You will be able to watch them grow and see them transform from shy and inhibited to thriving and shining brightly.  

Asociația de Ajutor AMURTEL Romania is a licensed provider of social services in Romania, and registered in the National Register of Associations and Foundations with nr 43 in 26.05.1995, and with the fiscal code 7411127. It is headquartered at Strada Almas 16, Sector 1 Bucharest, Romania.