Get the Liberty 4x4 imported into Mozambique
Thanks to everyone's incredible generosity we have been able to purchase a second hand Toyota LandCruiser in South Africa! 🎉
This vehicle will equip us and help us to go about our work in northern Mozambique. However we still really need your help…
Mozambican government regulations require us to pay heavy import duty on all vehicles coming into the country permanently.
We have until May 20th to raise US$10,000 to be able to pay our customs import tax bill. This will register the vehicle in Mozambique and allow us to keep the vehicle in country. Will you come together with us and help us raise this urgent money? We are so close…!
We're thanking the Lord for all that He has done so far and we continue to trust in Him to move hearts around the globe to invest into His work through this practical need.
We have named the LandCruiser Jireh… Because He is our provider!
Muito Obrigada!