Gerald O. & Susan Hansen Family Fund
Because a love of music and an appreciation of nature and the outdoors are long-held family values, Susan Hansen established this fund to honor her late husband Gerry by providing music training/scholarships for deserving young Humboldt County musicians. It also funds projects that facilitate the ability of residents to enjoy the beauty of our environment, such as trail guides/maps, nature information and exhibits, and bird watching guides. In addition, to support the youth of Humboldt County in developing and pursuing meaningful and productive careers, the fund will offer grants for career/vocational information and programs for elementary and secondary students in Humboldt County. Gerry Hansen was a prominent fourth-generation Humboldt County native and CPA who died of cancer in 2002. Susan retired in 2004 from Humboldt State University after 37 years in career planning and placement services. The fund is donor advised by Susan and her two children Lisa and Aren. (2005)