Hope Renovations is a 501(c)3 registered charity, Federal Tax ID # 82-3675207, and all donations are tax-deductible.
Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the Charitable Solicitation Licensing Section at 888-830-4989. The license is not an endorsement by the State.
Donor Wall56
Catherine El-Khouri | $100
Cathy Cole
Rebecca schempp | $750
Helga Knox | $259.92
Hope Renovations checked off the items on our fix-it list in record time. They were always on time, cheerful, and knowledgable. Thanks so much!
Janet | $100
bj tipton
Keep challenging assumptions and and leading the way!
TROSA | $100
Mark & Cindy Clark | $26.27
Giselle Feiger
J. Hoffman Studio Design Build
Go Hope Go!
Judith Krajewski | $52.23
Heard about you on the WHLG call today. Sending love from Denver!
Debra Armstrong | $500
Keep up the good work. You inspire me to do better.
CAT | $104.15
Great 1st anniversary event today!! SO PROUD OF ALL OF YOU!!
Mary Moore | $52.23
On the 9th anniversary of his death. Nora, your Grandfather (Giddoo) would be so very proud of your accomplishments and the work you are so passionate about.
84 Lumber Company | $250
Michael and Sarah Byars | $500
We are unable to attend your "birthday party", but are very proud of your accomplishments and are firm believers in your mission! Way to go!!
Riverchapel Financial, LLC | $250
Your efforts are reaching far beyond North Carolina!
What a wonderful mission!
Cari Filer Studio
catherine elkhouri | $104.15
Cathy | $78.19
Fantastic! Let's promote women as strong and capable!
Donor Wall56
Catherine El-Khouri | $100
Cathy Cole
Rebecca schempp | $750
Helga Knox | $259.92
Hope Renovations checked off the items on our fix-it list in record time. They were always on time, cheerful, and knowledgable. Thanks so much!
Janet | $100
bj tipton
Keep challenging assumptions and and leading the way!
TROSA | $100
Mark & Cindy Clark | $26.27
Giselle Feiger
J. Hoffman Studio Design Build
Go Hope Go!
Judith Krajewski | $52.23
Heard about you on the WHLG call today. Sending love from Denver!
Debra Armstrong | $500
Keep up the good work. You inspire me to do better.
CAT | $104.15
Great 1st anniversary event today!! SO PROUD OF ALL OF YOU!!
Mary Moore | $52.23
On the 9th anniversary of his death. Nora, your Grandfather (Giddoo) would be so very proud of your accomplishments and the work you are so passionate about.
84 Lumber Company | $250
Michael and Sarah Byars | $500
We are unable to attend your "birthday party", but are very proud of your accomplishments and are firm believers in your mission! Way to go!!
Riverchapel Financial, LLC | $250
Your efforts are reaching far beyond North Carolina!
What a wonderful mission!
Cari Filer Studio
catherine elkhouri | $104.15
Cathy | $78.19
Fantastic! Let's promote women as strong and capable!