General Donations
Our General Donation Fund is the lifeline that keeps our mission running smoothly, ensuring our grounds team and the guys around us have the essential tools and equipment they need to succeed.
Your donation takes care of:
Vehicle Maintenance and Repairs: Keeping our transportation in top condition ensures our team can swiftly respond to challenges and fulfil their mission effectively.
Critical Medical Supplies: On top of our own medical supplies that we need to keep our operation running, we also provide life-saving medical supplies, including tourniquets and IFAKs. Your support can be the difference between life and death in the line of duty.
Non-Lethal Equipment: From eco-flows to chainsaws, sleeping bags, and more, your contribution ensures that heroes have the essential tools needed to navigate unpredictable environments safely and efficiently.
Peace of Mind: Your support alleviates stress and worry, allowing our team and the soldiers around us to focus on their mission, knowing they have the resources necessary to tackle any obstacle.
For more about our work, visit our website at
Donor Wall231
Ian | £22
Keep calm and Fuck up Russians beyond all recognition
Linda | £200
For Project Tetyana. Thank you Pete, Jana and Project Konstantin for all you do. Slava Ukraine Heroyam Slava 🇦🇺❤️🇺🇦
Brett Golding | £50
Pete, you are a good man doing amazing things for and in Ukraine. I wish I was half the amazing man you are. Love from me and the missus from NZ, UK and Czech. Slava Ukraine! Keep safe brother. 👊
Paul Crowe | £500
Hi Peter, Thank you and the Team for Front Line Support to those in harm’s way. I hope your needs are met soon for the Team expansion. My very best wishes to all, keep safe; awesome job; thank you all. Slava Ukraini from UK (Jake Broe Team)
Tobias Bo | £10
Thank you for doing all what you do :-)
Edward Dooley | £100
margaret | £30
Thank you for the work you do. God Bless you and keep you safe
Loan Nguyen | £20/M
In God we trust your sacred works, Pete .
Kathy Sommer | £25
Thanks for saving heroes!
Kathy Sommer | £20
Thanks for all you and your team do to save our heroes, because they're all of ours
Robert Jonasar | £50
Kjell | £10
Keep up the amazing work. Much love from Sweden
Darryl Curson | £50
Rik | £20/M
Stay strong, I pray that your neighbours will wake up, listen and act.🇺🇦💪🙏🇺🇦
April | £25
Bless you and the work that you all do. You're Earth Angels! 😇 Hugs ~Silver Earth
Loan | £20/M
Dear Pete, I saw you on Jake Broe and want to support your team's mission with my small donation. Thank you for doing the noble job helping Ukrain !
Hüseyin | £20
Saw you on Jake Broe. I wish I could afford to donate more. Thank you for selflessly helping Ukraine. Stay strong brother.
Lisa Gray | £15
Happy birthday Jana!
Kirk | £30
Happy birthday!
Edward Dooley | £100
Keep up the resistance. Slava Ukraine.
James Drouin | £5/M
It's not much but it's what I can afford. Keep up the magnificent work!!
Gerry | £40
Pete, just saw your video on Jake Broe's channel. Bless you and your fellow medics and soldiers. Hang in there and keep up the good fight, the civilised world is with you!
Olena | £50
Many thanks, dear Pete and your colleagues for your selfless service to people of Ukraine. God bless you 🙏🙏🙏💓
Robert Jonasar | £50
Elizabeth Bausili | £20
Jon Engelsen | £50
From Georgie
Gunnar | £200
Never give up. Great respect for what Your team is doing!
Phillip | £100
Michele Audrey | £40/M
God bless Project Konstantin, Pete,Mama Rose and dear Ukraine and all the supporters.
Kathy Sommer | £25
In honor of Rose!