护持德噶明觉-闭关中心建设基金 Donation to Build Tergar Mingjue Retreat Center in Phoenix

德噶明觉正在筹建位于美国凤凰城的闭关中心,以弘扬法教,利益众生。这也是明就仁波切位于北美的第一个实体闭关道场。Tergar Mingjue is planning to build a retreat center in Phoenix, Arizona, USA to promote the Dharma teachings and practice, benefit all sentient beings.  This is going to be Rinpoche's first retreat center in North America.

欢迎您加入护持行列,成为未来闭关中心奠基的参与者,广播解脱的种子!You are welcome to become a sponser to support the retreat center project and plant the seed for liberation.

另外,德噶明觉也同时在推出系列实体短期闭关活动,帮助法友深入实修,在法道上护持闭关中心的兴建。活动详情请见中心网站:https://www.tergarmingjue.org/ In adittion, Tergar Mingjue is also launching series of short in-person retreats to help Dharma friends deepen their practice and support the the retreat center project through the Dharma path. Events details can be found from Tergar Mingjue's website: https://www.tergarmingjue.org/

德噶明觉是注册在美国的非盈利组织,您的捐款可以抵税。Tergar Mingjue Phoenix is a non-profit organization registered in USA. Your donation is tax deductible.