Bentonville Community
Fundraising on behalf of Reach Education Fund
Fundraising on behalf of Reach Education Fund
We distributed 1,000 sandwiches on Sunday 24th Nov. and have scheduled another 1,000 this week.
Keep the support going!
Support Gaza: Weekly Food Initiative ادعموا غزة: مبادرة طعام أسبوعية
Salam Alaykum, السلام عليكم،
We are launching a weekly food initiative in northern Gaza to support those who go to sleep hungry and cannot afford even a simple falafel sandwich. The plan is to distribute falafel sandwiches with hummus—without salads, as vegetables are too expensive in this area.Each sandwich costs approximately $1.80, and our goal is to provide 1,000 sandwiches every week to feed 500 people (2 sandwiches per person).This initiative aims to bring a small but meaningful relief to families struggling with hunger. With your generous contributions, we hope to sustain this campaign weekly, bringing consistent aid to those in need.How You Can Help:
• $18 feeds 5 persons
• $36 feeds 10 persons
• $180 sponsors 50 persons
Every dollar counts and makes a difference.
Together, we can provide comfort and sustenance to those who need it most.
Raised so far (offline) : $1400 Alhamdulilah!
Join us in making this initiative a lasting source of hope for Gaza. Jazakum Allah Khair!
نطلق مبادرة طعام أسبوعية في شمال غزة لدعم من ينامون جوعى ولا يستطيعون حتى شراء سندويش فلافل بسيط. خطتنا هي توزيع سندويشات فلافل مع الحمص (دون السلطات بسبب غلاء الخضروات).
تكلفة السندويش الواحد حوالي 1.80$. هدفنا هو توفير 1000 سندويش أسبوعياً لإطعام 500 شخص (سندويشان لكل شخص).
كل مساهمة تحدث فرقاً كبيراً. دعونا معاً نقدم الأمل والدعم لأهلنا في غزة. جزاكم الله خيراً