We've witnessed #365DaysTooMany. Enough is enough.
Since October 7, 2023, Gaza has endured unimaginable hardships. For over a year, MedGlobal has worked tirelessly to alleviate the suffering of thousands. With your support, we've made a wide-reaching impact—but the need remains overwhelming.
Despite the progress we've made, the crisis isn't over. Families in Gaza still urgently need medical care, food, and essential resources.
MedGlobal has worked tirelessly to alleviate the suffering of thousands of people. With your support, we’ve made a wide-reaching impact but the need is still overwhelming.
- 16 medical points have been established, providing emergency care across Gaza’s most affected areas.
- 5,000 patients are treated daily, receiving essential care, from chronic disease management to lifesaving emergency services.
- 3 stabilization centers established to treat severe malnutrition cases.
- 25,000+ children have been screened across Gaza and now have access to nutritional supplements, and 8,000+ polio vaccinations have been administered, safeguarding the health of the next generation.
- We’ve deployed 29 U.S. doctors and nurses and trained 140+ local healthcare professionals, ensuring a more sustainable healthcare system for Gaza’s future.
- We’ve sent six lifesaving medical aid shipments and provided free healthcare services, including prenatal care, pediatric care, and mental health support to those who have lost so much.
Yet despite this impact, the crisis isn’t over, and neither is the suffering of the people in Gaza. Families still need medical care, food, and critical resources and MedGlobal is continuing to provide free healthcare services, lifesaving medications, and mental health support to those most in need, but we can't do it without you.
As the crisis in Gaza crosses the 365 day mark, your donation can save lives. Help MedGlobal continue to deliver vital medical aid and support to the people of Gaza.