Fundraising for Henry Maynard Primary School and Nursery
Through this page you can make one off or regular donations to our children's school which will support and enhance our children's experience of the school's values of Community, Creativity and Ambition.
Your donations help the school in many ways:
- Forest School learning for all year groups.
- Enhancing our sustainability curriculum and our children's outdoor environment through the development of sustainable green and garden spaces.
- Kitchen Garden and Classroom learning spaces.
- Kitchen Garden lessons.
- Class music lessons
- Helping towards school trips and residentials
- Providing for many small and wonderful one off purchases of resources, books and equipment for classes and classrooms.
...and much more
What's more, a donation here allows the School to claim 25% Gift Aid on the donations that are made.
All donations made through our website are
Donor Wall27
Huda Mughal | £100
From Huda's Kitchen x
Maria Idoya Aristegui | £100
Sam Kennedy | £500
Leonie Freeman | £250
Hi! Here is the money raised from stalls at The Happening. I hope it comes in handy!
Peter Swingewood | £39
From Coralie, Viola, Lydia, Rowan and Joe - raised at our bake sale!
Gareth Jones | £20
Max Orlando | £10/M
Helen Fuchs | £50
Karin | £10/M
I'm so grateful for all that the Henry Maynard community does to enrich the learning and lives of the children. Thanks to you all!
Thanks to Paul for baby carrier!
Maria | £200
Laura Tulloch | £1,121.70
Funds raised from E17 Christmas Trail :-)
Jill | £10
Superb effort thanks so much for making our walk to school so much fun
churchill estates | £300
Thanks for the wonderful displays, from Amélie in Willow Class family
From a Maynard Road neighbour in appreciation of the fabulous 12 days windows! All best to the pupils and staff this Christmas.
Julie Fitzgerald | £10
Naomi Raymond | £40
Lesley Wood | £20
For the wonderful window displays on Maynard Road
Laura Tulloch | £518
Alex | £20/M
Really pleased to be able to contribute. Hopefully donations will come flooding in and the money can be used to buy IT equipment for the school.
Ian Sparham | £30/M
More than happy to contribute to help get our school what it needs!
Raffaelle Convert | £10/M
Ben Leyland
Thank you FOHMS
Laura Tulloch | £5/M
Thanks to FOHMS for stepping up to help our school - I'm backing you all the way and hope this monthly helps!