Fundraising for endoprosthesis and treatment. #SaveTheLimb program
Diagnosis - Post-traumatic left-sided gonarthrosis of the III degree. Condition after partial meniscectomy of the body and posterior horn of the internal meniscus of the left knee joint, microfracturing of the femoral condyles.
How did you get injured?
During the defense of the Ukrainian town in the morning, an attack on our positions by a large number of invaders of the russian federation suddenly began. Instantly, everyone occupied their sectors in the middle of the dilapidated two-story building. I kept the sector through the windows on the second floor. One wave of the assault was almost repulsed and suddenly an artillery ammunition burst against the ceiling, the explosive wave of which threw me onto the stairs, which I used to slide down to the lower floor. Brothers helped to get up. There were no open injuries that would threaten my life, but I bruised my knees, left elbow and back. Having recovered from the fall, he returned to the battle, because a new wave of assault had begun. To abandon his sector is tantamount to risking the death of his comrades and himself.
The battle was very fierce and subsided as soon as it began to get dark. In the dark, the "orcs" began to dig around our position in order to take us into a ring in the morning. The forces were very uneven, there was almost no ammunition left. In the future, there was an order to withdraw from the encirclement to another position. While moving in complete darkness, I fell into sinkholes a few more times, where I again jammed my leg joints. In the morning, there was another battle, and only the next day we had to evacuate ourselves to the place of deployment, which is ten kilometers away over rough terrain, along tracks from the combat vehicles.
After a nap, he noticed severe swelling of the knee joints, and he felt unbearable pain when walking. I turned to the hospital, and then treatment, operations, commissions, again ... operations
Thanks to your donations, Oleg has already collected funds for both prostheses! Follow our social media, there will be information after the operations. All your further donations will be directed to help other participants of the #SaveTheLimb program.
Donor Wall 11
Sean Ging | £20
Get well soon
Alina | £10.90
Oleg, thank you! Greigh.
ALINA | £20
Oleg, get better! Michael J
John | $104.39
Слава Україні !
Justine Fay | £200
Graham | £104.39
дякую за вашу службу
Sarah Bell | £25
Yvonne Stewart | $20
James Pass | $100