Fund Washingon, DC Lobbyist






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Our Town, Our Choice is raising $50,000 to fund a professional lobbying effort, based in Washington, DC to oppose Federal legislation and FCC regulations that would preempt local authority over the siting of so-called "Small Cell" Wireless Telecommunications Facilities in residential areas. Such legislation and regulations would allow the Telecom companies to deploy powerful, Close Proximity Microwave Radiation Antennas (CPMRAs) and additional equipment (up to 28 cubic feet, per FCC 18-133 and US Senate bill S.3157) on or next to utility poles and light poles that are 10 to 25 feet from homes. The legislation and regulations would allow this to happen nearly everywhere, even if your town does not want this.

Our Town, Our Choice is a lobby-funding group and not a 501(c)(3) organization, therefore, your donation will not be tax deductible.