Fund the Staten Island Child Wellness Initiative






The Staten Island Child Wellness Initiative is a new collaboration established to address child wellness on Staten Island. SI CWI was originally formed in response to the urgent issue of child obesity that exists across Staten Island and the strong desire to reduce and reverse the rising rates of obesity, which has significant tolls on the health and well-being of the borough’s residents.

By 2026, we will improve child health and wellness in Staten Island. Our activities will address:
- Increasing accessibility and opportunities for active living.
- The availability and affordability of fresh and healthy food.
- Community-wide partnerships that shape the environment where a child lives, learns, plays, and receives healthcare.
- Bringing 80% of Staten Island children below high school age to a healthy weight.

The Staten Island Child Wellness Initiative is actively seeking funding for the coalition through grants and other opportunities. Every penny will help in our quest to create a healthier Staten Island.

Prefer to mail a check? Make all checks out to the Staten Island Partnership for Community Wellness and mail it to:
444 St. Marks Place
3rd Floor
Staten Island, NY 10301