Help fund The Independent Californian Poll






UPDATE: We reached our goal! Please consider becoming a sustaining supporter of the Independent California Institute so we can continue taking on bold projects like this in the future!

We’re going to run the first ever comprehensive scientific poll on California independence, and we need your help to fund it.

We’re going to be partnering with YouGov, a reputable polling company.

High quality polls don't come cheap! To get meaningful results, we need to poll at least 500 Californians. It costs $12 to reach one randomly selected Californian and get them to spend several minutes answering questions.

If you could help us poll just one Californian, that would make a big difference. If you could help us reach 5 or even 10 Californians, that would be amazing!

You should know that YouGov is the same polling company that runs the Bright Line Watch Poll, which found that, out of the 450 or so Californians they polled in early 2021, 38% said they'd support California seceding from the U.S.

If we had solid proof that so many Californians are still so independence-minded that we support secession, that would have a seismic impact on California politics.

However, we all know independence is a lot bigger and a lot more nuanced than "secede or stay." That's why our poll is going to dig deeper, to answer questions like:

Which Californians are most likely to support independence?

How do Californians think greater autonomy would affect issues they care about?

What are the first steps Californians are most likely to take towards a more independent California?

Throughout our poll we emphasize when we talk about California leaving the U.S., we mean as part of a peaceful process of negotiation with Congress.

We're going to release all the raw data from the poll, so anyone who's curious can learn more how Californians feel about independence.

Feel free to share this appeal with other people. And please, email our executive director, Coyote Marin, at if you have any questions. They'd be happy to set aside time to chat on the phone with anyone who’s seriously considering donating.

Thank you for your consideration. And here’s to a better, more independent future for all Californians!

Donations to the Independent California Institute (EIN 83-1377726) are fully tax-deductible.

Donor Wall 3

Prentice Steffen | $60

Recently I gave $36 for 3 people. Here's for 5 more. Thanks for doing this!

Jeffrey Roughgarden | $24

Prentice | $36

$36 for 3 people :)