Fueling Vanguard - Sponsor A Mile






My name is Casey Kim, and I'm excited to announce that I will be marching with the 2024 Santa Clara Vanguard!

Santa Clara Vanguard is a world class drum corps that performs across the country competitively against other performing drum corps. Displaying musical and visual performing arts at an elite level. Marching Vanguard has been a personal dream of mine for years, and now I'm forever grateful for this amazing opportunity.

However, this activity is not cheap. So much logistical planning and fees are accounted for world class drum corps. Such as bus transportation, housing sites for members to sleep, food, paying for instructional/administrative staff, health & wellness, equipment, uniforms, and so much more. It's crucial that enough money has to be raised to maintain an efficient season. That being said, any donation/contribution will help the organization in the long run. It is unfortunate that the activity is so expensive, but it will provide all individuals involved meaningful experiences, lessons, and lifelong communities and connection of members for generations.

To learn more about the Santa Clara Vanguard, click this link! 
