By Our Hands We Make Our Way is wholly self and community funded, supported by people just like you - who know and love the space, who want to see community grow!
A regular donation, or any amount - however small or large - really does help to keep the lights on, and the door open to a wilfully odd, welcoming and inspirational space: the only way for this place to flourish is with your support.What you get for your gift is what’s already here, and what might grow in the future… We’re not asking for you to give because you get something in particular – an object, some merch, a shout-out – we’re asking you to give just because you get it! You understand the idea: That big things can grow from small seeds, if they’re nurtured. That we can all try to help each other out. You’re giving the workshop a future, being part of that future – No strings attached, just gratitude!