
Welcome to FRG's Donation Page

The development team have worked tirelessly to create an anjoyable experience for everyone.

FRG is determined to continue making the best server and community possible.

Your support and donations are hugely appreciated and allow us to maintain and improve the server to the best of it's ability.

Donation perks are manually added to your account by an admin in our discord server - discord.gg/frgrp 

Please make sure that your Discord account is linked to your FiveM account, this can be checked via the settings tab in FiveM.



 Donors that help cover the costs incurred by the server are eligible for community perks. All finds collected go directly to cover all server costs and not for profit. A percentage of these funds will also be donated to FiveM Project on a monthly basis which gives FRG additional benefits in doing so.

All donations are non-refundable, you are NOT purchasing an item or service from us, your funds go directly to cover the costs of the servers monthly expenses. Perks are given to those who help support FRG as a thank you.

By following through with this contribution, you accept our terms of service and understand by no means are these transactions refundable.


All donations are non-refundable, and all contributions go to supporting the server.