FREEDOM for the Broken Hearted

In the United States, July is traditionally a month during which we reflect on freedom. Freedom of religion was of such importance to our founding fathers that it was incorporated into the First Amendment to our nation’s Constitution. For over 200 years, this article has enabled those of us living in the United States to seek the Lord in ways others cannot. 

Religious freedom takes on an even deeper meaning at INNERROOM, where it is our mission to see people set free from spiritual bondage and deeply rooted emotional trauma. We facilitate this spiritual emancipation through a process referred to as heart healing. People come into these heart healing sessions emotionally and spiritually stunted by trauma, exhausted from years of pushing through pain because it is simply all they know how to do. It is here in the midst of their suffering that people find freedom by experientially encountering Jesus. Jesus, who is close to the broken hearted; who sets the captives free; who releases the prisoners is standing at the door and knocking. Heart healing sessions give us the opportunity to help those blinded by pain find the door handle… turn the knob… let the light in. Jesus has been waiting for an invitation and he can’t wait to come into the pain and trauma and set His people free.

It is our prayer that everyone would experience this healing and restorative work of Jesus in their lives. However, the freedom that is realized during these sessions is one that few people know is available to them. We are passionate about educating The Body and training people to cultivate a lifestyle of freedom with and in Jesus. We have begun offering interactive workshops to demonstrate the Heart Healing process, educate people on what true freedom in Christ can look like, and to provide practical tools for daily application on this journey to healing. 

Also, once people find out just how powerful this freedom is, they can’t always fully contribute to sessions. Right now we have very limited funds to meet the extreme demand that is needed to help cover scholarships. We have a scholarship request form on our website so that we can understand the need and how we can best meet the need so they can receive the full freedom that Christ died for. 

In order to continue this life-changing work of facilitating sessions and offering workshops, the INNERROOM needs your help.  Whether it’s through a one-time gift or by becoming a monthly donor, your financial gifts and your prayers are needed.  As you partner with us, please be reassured, we understand the standard in which we will be held accountable for the way we steward these Kingdom gifts.  

Thank you for reading.  

Thank you for praying.

Thank you for any amount you are willing to sow into FREEDOM.

INNERROOM is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and all donations are tax deductible. EIN: 45-4180673