Freedom in Tech Alliance Memberships

The Freedom in Tech Alliance (FITA) was founded in 2018 to promote liberty through technology and policy. 

Our ultimate goal is the shaping of the culture shared by entrepreneurs, founders, and those working in the technology industry in such a way that ensures the maximum benefit to the people around the world. This is now a moral imperative because of the massive impact of both technology and the technology industry have upon our daily lives. By shaping the products billions use every day and influencing public policy, the opinions, and philosophies held by those in the tech industry affect everyone around the world, not just those within the field.

Lifetime Membership - $99:

LIFETIME membership to the Freedom in Tech Alliance: 

-Invitations to members-only events 

-Access to members-only content

-Access to Secret Paid members-only FB group.

-Guaranteed & priority seats at public events

Lifetime VIP Membership - $500:

-LIFETIME membership to the Freedom in Tech Alliance: 

-Invitations to members-only events 

-Access to members-only content

-Reserved seats at public events

-Your name on a "founding member's page" (optional)

-invitations to all VIP receptions

Lifetime Platinum Membership - $1,000:

-All previous benefits

-Handwritten letters of appreciations from the founders

-Access to annual dinner & meet & greets with all FITA speakers 

-invitations to all VIP receptions

Lifetime Diamond Package + SPONSOR A FITA SCHOLAR - $10,000+:

With this package, we will use your donation to sponsor FITA scholars. Through an application & vetting process, we will select students or prospective students who share our values and wish to build careers in technology. Through our program, we provide financial resources and provide invaluable mentorship and connections to our scholars to help them build careers in the industry and emerge as leaders to disrupt the political status quo in the technology industry. Ultimately, the culture of the technology industry of the future is shaped by leaders we prop up today. We guarantee at least 80% of your contribution will go directly to funding FITA scholars. Remaining funds from your donation will be used for the promotion and selection process. 

Package includes: 

-All previous benefits

-A seat on FITA steering committee

-Handwritten letters of appreciations from the founders

-Access to annual dinner & meet & greets with all FITA speakers 

Below are our guiding principles. 

I: The Freedom in Tech Alliance believes that the development of new technology should make the world a freer, more tolerant, more open, safer, and more compassionate place. We believe that technology should empower people against tyranny and control, and, as technologists and entrepreneurs, we have a responsibility to build organizations and develop technologies that make it harder, not easier, for the government to trample our human rights. Because of this, we support the development of decentralized networks to prevent others from exerting control over people.

II. The Freedom in Tech Alliance believes that policies should not seek to limit freedom and take power away from the people. We noticed an alarming increase in the popularity of policies that seek to limit freedom and take power away from the people. We aim to limit the government’s control over technology. We are against backdoors and the invasion of people’s privacy and liberty by government agencies and tyrannical powers around the world. We’re against the crony capitalism that endears companies to the state and creates an environment hostile to entrepreneurs and startups struggling to break into the market. We believe in keeping the state and internet separate so that the internet stays free and open.

III. The Freedom in Tech Alliance believes that a culture of tolerance where the free exchange of ideas is encouraged should be the norm. Silicon Valley has become a monolith where only one philosophy is tolerated, and those that don’t share those exact beliefs are cast out as pariahs. We believe that diversity of ideas is just as important as diversity of color. We hold the first amendment in the highest possible regard and work to fight against the culture that encourages the marginalization, belittlement, and active discrimination against those with opposing viewpoints. We are working to create a world that encourages the honest discussion of ideas where those with different outlooks can freely express their beliefs without fear of judgment or discrimination.

We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. EIN 83-2803960. All the contributions are tax deductible.