Foundation Path of Hope Wheelchair shipment






Please help us raise $10,000 to send a shipment of wheelchairs and other mobility aids to the disabled and poor of Peru. One wheelchair plus other equipment can be sent for every $50 donation!* Please send a wheelchair today.

*The money raised in this campaign will be used to ship and store 200 wheelchairs and other mobility aids to Peru to be distributed to those in extreme poverty with a documented disability.

Foundation Path of Hope helps disabled peoples of Peru who are living in extreme poverty. Your generous donation helps us give the gift of independence to someone who would otherwise be confined to their home or bed, allowing them to work and live.

Please help us in our goal to send all 200 wheelchairs.


Foundation Path of Hope is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes. Our EIN number is 85-2835023