Every dollar you donate goes directly to pay for Advertising, Events, Rallies, Social Media, Promotional items and help fund Candidates who will obey the Supreme Law of the Land: our Constitution.
Our first project is to raise awareness of our Party and increase our membership by asking you, your family and friends to register as a CPF voter with your county Supervisor of Elections. We will also be doing a mass emailing campaign, County Gun Shows, County Fairs, etc.
Our attention will also focus on:
*Eliminate all unconstitutional laws, ordinances, mandates, etc in all 67 counties.
*Constitution Training Courses for candidates, voters and students.
*Recruiting volunteers
*Working with each County Sheriff
*Support for CPF candidates
We need your help to Restore Our Republic. Share this link, sign up for updates and please give what you can as often as you can. Thank you.
Donor Wall2
When a Constitutional Sheriff violates his oath and takes orders from a Soros prosecutor who clearly has no regard for the 1st Amd. we have a problem. Thankfully, his promotion was thwarted by patriots who have not forgotten. Republicans in Florida have a BIG RINO problem.
I gave up on the GOP, full of corrupt RINO enablers of Democrats and party of the Satanic Uniparty destroying our Republic.