flyhighbillie - donate
Thank you so much for your kind donation.
These monies will help the b kinder initiative to provide support and assistance to children and young people and help combat mental health issues, bullying and suicide. It will also help provide assistance and support to children who are in palliative care, suffering life-debilitating illnesses including medical distress, disability, mental health issues and grief.
Donor Wall 31
Kylie Telford | A$132
Thank you to family, friends and fur babies that joined us on Sunday morning for A Walk For A Kinder World followed by breakfast and coffee at the Fat Frog Cafe great morning for a great cause Kylie
Melissa | A$20
Zanika Breed | A$20
Lyndsay Brown
I believe that kindness is what makes the world go around. Thank you for your campaign to help people realise this.
Josephine | A$1,000
Thank you from Lucinda xxxx
Anna Macpherson | A$50
Anonymous | A$100
Thank you so much for your care and kindness, Danny!
Georgia Young Photography | A$157
Marina and Bryn | A$25
In Memory of Billies Grandpa
TERESA | A$100
In memory of our good friend Bryan. Mick and Terry.
HAMAC Transport | A$20
May Bryan Rest In Peace, although I’m sure Billie will keep him on the go ❤️❤️ Fly high beautiful people 🌈
Robbie & Lysanne | A$150
In Memory of Bryan whose humour we will miss
Anonymous | A$50
In loving memory of Bryan Mayson,Billie's grandfather.From Audrey and Larry Ragg
Jeffrey | A$90
Liz Spong | A$50
In memory of lovely Bryan 🌻🌻🌻🌻
Anne | A$200
In memory of Bryan
Dan Elms | A$200
It's so incredible to see how widespread flyhighbillie has become, it's amazing what Danny, Mel and everyone else involved have been able to achieve and to have spread the Bkinder message to so many communities ❤
Linda Symons | A$42
The children from the Mackay Children and Family Centre had a fabulous time celebrating b kinder day and spreading the words of kindness and compassion :)
Angela | A$100
My heart goes out to you & commends you on such a worthy cause. I love that your foundation helps children in schools to be more kind as this is where it all begins. Congratulations on being on the front foot of shaping the future!
Arndell Anglican College | A$1,936.70
Robyn Monro Miller | A$50/Y
Happy birthday to Billie - a short life but lots of impact. Thinking of all her family and friends today. ❤️
Mailys | A$20
Today, two kind ladies gave my two daughters the sun flowers they received in the CBD. They told us about your charity and the b kinder day. I was moved by the beautiful but too short life of Billie and wanted to make this small donation to the children in need you are supported. Congrats for your beautiful work!
Concord West Public School | A$240.35
P&D Industrial & Tradesmart Buying Group | A$384.30
We love that you keep making this world a better place - Donations from our B Kinder Day Saussage sizzle
George Catt | A$50
From George Catt and family
Debbie Barrett | A$20
steven | A$100
What a great cause and legacy Billie has passed on. Thank you.
Val and Bryan Mayson | A$350
So proud that our beautiful granddaughter's words are making such a difference to other children's' lives.
Fab new site
Neil Barnett | A$5
What a fantastic charity. Keep up the good work.