Five Minute Folklore

I create the Five Minute Folklore podcast.
I do it all myself, and, even though I love putting the show together, it takes a lot of time.
So, I'm asking for a little help...
The more of you who decide to support me via donorbox, the more time I can put into making the show regular, and as good as it can be.

Donate as much as you would like, per month, or as a one-off payment.
If there are any rewards or incentives you would like to see, or that you think would help encourage others to support, then please send a suggestion my way.

To give you an idea of what it takes to put one episode together -
I find an interesting topic,
Research, a lot.
Write a script for the main story,
Write extra scripts if I want to include shorter stories,
Write an essay, all about the topic's history and influences,
Record a read through of everything,
Edit all of the recorded narration,
Write down the characters dialogue from the stories,
Track down friends/family/anyone to provide voices for the characters and record them,
Edit and insert the dialogue,
Work out what sound effects are necessary to make the story feel more alive,
Record all the sound effects, using a mix of stock sounds and ones I have created myself,
Edit and insert the sound effects,
Research traditional music from the area where the topic originated,
Find suitable music for the episode, usually 3-4 songs, and gain permissions to use them,
Edit and insert music,
Listen through the whole thing and do a final edit on anything I'm unhappy with,
Source an image that represents the episode, that I have permission to use,
Create artwork for the episode,
Mixdown the show to an mp3 file,
Make YouTube videos for the stories,
Upload the podcast and videos,
On to the next one...

Five Minute Folklore.
Every episode focuses on a different famous mythological figure.
Through atmospheric story-telling we learn the condensed origins of folklore tales from all over the world, and also take a look at varying interpretations, cultural differences, and how the stories have influenced other media.
The 5 minute stories will all be available on the YouTube channel, or you can listen to the full length podcast they are taken from via Acast, iTunes, and most other places that podcasts are available.
Created & Hosted by Bob Shoy.
Contact at
Website -

Acast -
iTunes -