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The Work That Reconnects Network is a fiscally sponsored project of Inquiring Systems Inc., a tax-exempt 501 (c) (3) nonprofit corporation. EIN 94-2524840. All donations are tax-deductible.
Work That Reconnects Network ~~ Fiscal Year End Appeal

As a member of the global community of people who love the WTR you share a stake in the health of the WTR Network and our contribution to the Great Turning. 

Thank you for being part of this community of Active Hope!

Our Fiscal Year End appeal marks an important shared benchmark. As we enter into the next fiscal year we’re excited to complete a massive redesign of our website that will dramatically increase our capacity for collaboration and provide a greatly improved online community platform for connection, inspiration and mutual support. 

A gift from the Fire Monkey fund at RSF Social Finance, recommended by Christopher and LuAnne Hormel during the 21/22 fiscal year gave us the ability to start this major project. 

Your contributions during this time will empower its completion and help sustain strong organic growth in the coming fiscal year.

If you’ve recently given, thank you so much! If you’ve yet to give, please join us. Gifts of all sizes make a difference and help sustain our collective creative momentum.

Donate now and help us celebrate another successful group effort!

And once again, thanks for all you do!

The WTR Network team