First Presbyterian Church

As Christians, we strive to bring others to Jesus through our actions.  At First Presbyterian Church, we have adopted a five-part Mission Statement to help us work toward our purpose of "Leading ordinary people to extraordinary lives together with Christ."  Each part of our statement is considered an "action" that is meant to bring us and others closer to Jesus Christ.

Joyfully Worshiping God

Worship should be uplifting and soul renewing. We aspire to provide this through life-inspired sermons that have Biblical solutions and a variety of worship experiences that engage a wide variety of God’s people.

Compassionately Caring for One Another  

This action centers on our church family.  We work at identifying and ministering to the emotional, physical, and spiritual needs within our church.  Our Stephen Ministry program, although it helps others outside our church, is just one way that we act upon "Compassionately Caring for One Another".

Humbly Serving Others 

We reach out with and use our God-given gifts and talents to minister to the needs of those in our community as well as the world around us through ministries such as our Mission Committee and Deacons.

Continually Growing Together in God's Word 

Through Bible study, Christian Education, and small groups we incorporate meaningful, comprehensive learning pathways to encourage an abundant life in Christ.

Actively Sharing the Good News of Christ

By having events that connect our church to our community, we aim to lead God's people to share His grace with others in ways that nurture and grow their journey toward faith.

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