Feed Food Justice!
Invest to close the wealth (quality of life) gap. Well intentioned, excessive charity feeds instability for recipients and harms neighborhood businesses, especially those that are Black-owned.
Donor Wall 34
Jacquetta | $50
I'm a Gullah Geechee decendent, and I absolutely 💯 love what yall are doing! God bless 🙌🏿 🙏🏾 ❤.
I visited your farm on a school trip with NC State a few years ago. I live in Baltimore now, working with food access and farms. I just had a conversation that reminded me of the work you guys are doing down there so I wanted to swing through and say hello!
Deborah Nelson | $250
Thank you for your incredible vision and work!
Princess Hogue | $100
Supporting my Kenyon sister! 🥰
We learned about you on United Shades. It’s time unsung heroes like yourselves get their stories sung! Thank you for all that you do!
annette | $50
Thank you for seeding and filling this need. A shout out to United Shades of America and Kamau Bell for highlighting FFF.
Abigail Tapper | $36
Happy Juneteenth! Thanks for all you do!
Janet Goodman | $100
Love what you're doing!! I live in Nebraska - any chance there's something similar here?
Kimberly | $100
Just wanted to support the beautiful cause! Thank you Germaine Jenkins for having the FFF vision to help others! Your efforts are truly inspiring. Thank you "United Shades" for providing me with the information that this farm exists.
Elizabeth | $200
Saw United Shades also, happy to help you all with your valuable work! Glad to see all the support coming in from your appearance with Kamau.
Chris & Suzanne
Hooray to Kamau and United Shades! Thank you for telling us about this wonderful program!
Lori | $200
…In honor of your appearance on W. Kamau Bell’s “United Shades of America.” Thank you for such heartfelt devotion to your community—powerful!
Abbie | $100
Saw you all on United Shades and wanted to help. I hope to make this donation a regular thing.
Saw y'all on United Shades of America. Keep up the good work!
Denise | $100
Saw your place featured on United Shades. Thank you for what you do!
Mary | $25
Thank you, Kamau and United Shades. You always show us how we can help, even in a small way!
Tony | $50
Saw you on United Shades of America...keep up the great work!! :-)
Ryan Todd
Saw you on United Shades - What an incredible mission. The community is so lucky to have you. Thank you for making this mess of a country a little bit better.
izi Ellinsky | $250
Kathy | $2,500
Saw you on United Shades with Kamau. AMAZING!!! I am in AWE of what you’ve done. You’re incredible!!!!
William | $10
I'm very impressed with what you are doing with your farm. I believe that people like you should be, must be, supported in every way.
Patty Kelly | $100
After seeing your interview with Kamau Bell, I want to help you keep going! I am grateful for your vision to help people in need. Thank you.
Pat Sutton | $50
Saw you and your farm on the United Shades of America and I was moved to support! Please keep up the great job you are doing, it’s what God intended for you to do with your talents.
Saw you on CNN’s United Shades of America. I’m so impressed by what you do!
April Vargas | $10
Tnx to W Kamau Bell and United Shades for getting the word out about FFF and the outstanding work you do!
Barbara Woodo | $50
Great work!
William McCluskey
Went to CofC and lived in Chas in the 70’s...just trying to payback some of the kindness that was shown to me.
Benjean Riedman | $25/M
Watched your business on United shades of America and having a daughter who has a degree in social work and ran her own organic farm, I was moved by what you are doing to serve your community.
Just learned about your organization on United Shades of America and was impressed with what you do and how you went above and beyond to help your community during COVID. Hope this little bit can go a long way. This is only my first donation but won't be my last. Keep up the great work!