Cece Wilburn's FCU Donation Page






I have a deep-rooted passion for serving others and creating positive change. From a young age, I was actively involved in volunteer work  — including mission trips and community service with my church. This commitment continued throughout high school and college, culminating in a strong desire to serve others after graduating from UCSC.

 As a sales leader in the tech industry, I had the opportunity to help people from underrepresented backgrounds break into the tech field. This experience has sparked a desire to give others a first chance, recognizing the transformative power of providing opportunities. Since joining FCU, I have witnessed — and personally experienced — the power of giving back. 

Whether through organizing a Turkey drive, participating in the DB camp, offering scholarships, or supporting families in need, I see firsthand how even a small act of gratitude can profoundly impact someone's life. By gaining your support, the First Chance U. Foundation can expand our reach, directly enhancing the scope of our work. Any contribution directly impacts individuals and communities, supporting them with first-chance opportunities to improve their lives. 

To learn more about our organization and the incredible work we do, please visit our website at firstchanceufoundation.org or follow us on Instagram @firstchanceu_.