
Hi there! You're ALMOST a "Drive-By Do-Gooder!" 

Our mission is simple: Survival Supplies to elderly and disabled homeless AND their pets living in tents on Skid Row outskirts. 

We operate with virtually NO overhead. No Agenda. 

Just Pure Giving. Every week without fail.

See evidence of where your Donation Dollars go via our 

daily Social Media posts @DriveByDoGooders 

We can't solve the homeless problem. But we can 

provide consistent compassion, caring, smiles and relief. 

We are a 501c3 charitable organization, EIN# 47-4704533. All the contributions are tax deductible. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for the contribution. You get it. We appreciate it.

Donor Wall198

Zander | $31.46

All the best, from Zander.

TomE | $311.84



Paula Vazquez

Thank you for doing what you do sweet girl!!! Here's to a fabulous 2025!!! Love Paula & Leslie

Robert Picardo | $250

Thomas E. | $727.21

Steven Huffman | $25

Keep up the great work!

Steve Huffman

Angela Bertorelli | $30

Anthony | $30

Thanks for doing this Lycia. Always happy to help out.

Amy | $120

Phillip O'Riley | $50

Shawn Best | $21.08

Johnny Martin Jr | $10.70

Danielle | $40

Diana | $41.85

Lycia Naff: cool and compassionate!

Jennette Caden | $26.27

Happy Holidays, Capt. Gomez & family! LLAP, Capt. Jenny

robert powell | $50

Live Long And Prosper

Brian Pfennigs

My favorite charity! Thank you for doing such good work!

Jennette Caden | $20

Always glad to help! ~Capt. Jenny


Wishing everyone this helps Happy Holidays. You are loved


You are the best! Please keep doing what you’re doing for our animal friends, it makes all the difference in the world to them and me too ❤️


Today is a day to do good for others.

Merry Hagenston | $77

This scripture is the first I think of whenever I see or hear about your serving the homeless! Jesus said, “The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’ “ Matthew 25:40

Jennette Caden | $30

Always glad to help when I can, Capt. Gomez! Capt. Jenny 🖖

Tom | $80

David Cameron | $125

Thanks for you good work! You're an inspiration!

Ramon | $50

My friends decided that in honor of DS9's Gabriel Bell, we wanted to give to charities that serve the homeless. I think the work you do is lovely and so here is a little bit to help the cause.

Anonymous | $100

Tom | $100