Expansion Plan 2021-2024






Redland Florida and its surrounding areas are the last vestige of rural living in Miami-Dade County.  As such, we have an overwhelming homeless and abandoned dog population problem created in part by countless unaltered farm and nursery dogs, as well as by misguided urbanites using our farms and fields as dumping grounds for unwanted pets.
Founded in 2019 by Newton Siqueira and Amy Spadaro, Redland Dog Sanctuary aims to address the complex and multifaceted problem of pet overpopulation. We provide safe haven to homeless and abandoned dogs and serve as a last resort for dogs labeled (often erroneously) as aggressive, dangerous, feral or unsaveable.

In the most severe cases, we offer a permanent home for dogs assessed to be truly unadoptable due to health or behavioral issues. We are a small operation seeking to make a huge impact, doing work that few others have the skill, experience, or desire to do. We're operating above capacity almost every single day of the year, with the demand for intake far exceeding our ability to accommodate all requests. Our objective in creating this 3 year plan is to delineate a pathway to fiscal self-sufficiency, while concurrently expanding our services and holding capacity for the never ending stream of abandoned, unwanted and mislabeled dogs in our community.

Donor Wall223

Linda Rustin | $100

Thank you for doing what you do for these precious fur babies ❤️🐶

Brenda | $100

God Bless everyone involved for all their strength and endless efforts to help these amazing, yet helpless animals that are left behind.

Ileana Puig | $50

Thank you for all you and Randy do everyday!

Eddy Obregon | $100

May God bless you as the angels you rescue have been blessed. We recently rescued an abandoned American Bully left to starve in the redlands. She is now healthy and living a wonderful life in our home, surrounded by love. In the name our beautiful Bella, we will continue to support your efforts in the future. ❤️

Amanda Lippman | $18

Beatriz Corzo | $50

Ileana Puig has told me so many good things about this Org. In her honor and the love she has for these animals❤️


Thank you to Redland Dog Sanctuary and all you do to help all the puppies and dogs in need of love and care.

Vitaly Godun

Robert | $40/M

I canceled my ASPCA Guardian membership and will donate to your sanctuary.

Neli Uzunova | $20

Nadia Grant

Denise Sinclair | $100

Lillian Soto

God Bless you.

Jo Wood | $100

Your work deserves more than we give. Thank you for pushing on the days that are so difficult.

Ashley | $10

For bella

Jessica | $20

For Bella surgery

Jennifer | $100

Thank you for making the world a better place!

Laurie Sierra | $100

Thank you for all you do! You make such a difference in the world 🐶 and make it such a better place.

Tania | $100

Thank you Junior for calling me thinking you had found my missing Peanut and for all that you do for these dogs.

Margaret Haun | $30

Thank you for ALL YOU DO!

Daissel Castillo | $100/M

Thank you for opening your home to all of those dogs. I know my monthly donation isn’t a lot but I know every little helps.


Gracias por SIEMPRE ayudar incanzablemente a TANTOS Y TANTOS perritos abandonados .. You are AMAZING!

Kim | $350

Please use these funds towards Zen’s vet bills. He deserves a second chance and to have a new life with a loving family. Thanks for always finding a way to save them. You are angels !


Thank you for the lives you are saving every day. God bless you and the beautiful souls you have rescued!

Brenda | $100

God bless you! You are a kind soul. I wish I lived close so l could volunteer. You are one in a million.

Leydi | $25

Thank you for everything that you do! Doggy Retreat

Thomas | $100

Thank you Amy for covering the cost of fixing or Shiba Inu Loki. You didn't have to- please accept this donation as a token of our gratitude

Abel | $100

In Hawaiian, you don't call yourself your pet's owner. You are their kahu. Kahu has many meanings, among them guardian, protector, steward, beloved, attendant.

Teri | $118

Thank you so much for saving Maggie

Karen | $20

Thank you for saving , taking care and to give another opportunity to all those 4 legs solitary souls