In Bloom: Spring Gala

Join us for a delightful celebration of community, growth, and abundance at our inaugural Spring Gala fundraiser. 

Celebrate the beauty of spring with a sweet tea party that brings together community members, donors, and supporters like you. This joyous occasion marks a pivotal moment as we prepare to break ground on renovations for our building.

We're excited to share this event will feature...
  • Delicious catering and refreshments from local chefs + vendors
  • Live music and entertainment
  • Stories of transformation and hope as we prepare to open our doors in Spring 2026
  • Opportunities to support our Capital Campaign

Join us to co-create an experience of joy, abundance, and celebration.

Become a Sponsor
Your sponsorship is a commitment to reproductive justice, birth equity, and community empowerment. By partnering with us, you are investing in a future where all families have access to compassionate, culturally concordant, and life affirming care.

This year's sponsorship, ticket sales, and general donations are all matched $2 for $1 by a generous donor -- please consider sponsoring since your dollars go even farther this year.

Learn more about Sponsorship Opportunities here or send us an email at for more information!

Event Details

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Date and Time

Saturday, April 19, 2025, 16:00, CDT


7059 South South Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois, United States, 60649

Ticket Details

Buyer Info

Your information



17 of 30 remaining

Standard Ticket

$125 per ticket

Subtotal: $0

47 of 55 remaining

Donor Ticket

$250 per ticket

Subtotal: $0

Morning Glory Sponsorship Package

$25,000 per ticket

Subtotal: $0

Rose Sponsorship Package

$10,000 per ticket

Subtotal: $0

Water Sponsorship Package

$5,000 per ticket

Subtotal: $0

Rue Sponsorship Package

$2,500 per ticket

Subtotal: $0

Rosemary Sponsorship Package

$1,000 per ticket

Subtotal: $0

Sage Sponsorship Package

$500 per ticket

Subtotal: $0

Lavender Sponsorship Package

$250 per ticket

Subtotal: $0