This course is designed for users completely new to lasers and Pangolin control and brings them up to speed so they can do shows for themselves. This course covers Projectors and how they work, show setups and cabling requirements, creating Laser content and shows, controlling your show from DMX consoles, and much more. Go from zero to hero with award-winning Lyra Letourneau as she teaches you how to operate a laser show from no production experience to being able to do shows.
This course is for complete beginners to lasers, pangolin software and even show production itself. No experience is needed, and absolute beginners are encouraged to take this course. Those who have some production experience or come from different disciplines in the show production industry should consider this course. This course will not focus on detailed content creation, but touch on how you can start creating content for yourself and is more focused on getting the gig done.
Lyra is the Creative Director for Pangolin Laser Systems and has been programming and
operating laser shows since she was 14 years old. She has worked in all aspects of the industry including touring, theatre, large scale theme parks, cruise ships, and even small town shows and even winning awards for some of these shows along the way. She now plays a supporting role in the industry doing training, support, and community outreach for Pangolin Systems. But still finds time to do shows when she can to stay up to date and understand the needs of the industry she serves.
Tech 25 is a non-profit workforce development organization focused on creating equity, diversity, and accessibility within the live entertainment industry. We aim to provide youth and adults with career opportunities through classes, workshops, hands-on experience, and mentoring that lead to living-wage careers.
Visit for more information.
Date/Time: Tuesday March 18th 10am - 6pm
Location: 112 St. Joseph St. Mt. Oliver PA 15210
Cost: $100 (includes lunch)
Please reach out to with any dietary restrictions and questions.