Middleton Nordic Opener

Classic Style Classes - Saturday, December 21
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
* Participants should arrive 30 minutes early for parking
Learn the basic elements of cross-country classic skiing including weight transfer, balance, timing and range of movement. We will use various drills and visual mimicking to cover the techniques of diagonal stride, double poling, herringbone, and snowplow.

Skate Style Classes - Saturday, December 21
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
* Participants should arrive 30 minutes early for parking
** Prior classic skiing lesson and experience recommended
Learn the basic elements of cross-country skate skiing including weight transfer, balance, timing and range of movement. We will use various drills and visual mimicking to cover the techniques of skate skiing without poles (used in skijoring), double poling, diagonal skate, V2 alternate (open field), and snowplow.

5K "Freestyle Fun" Race - Sunday, December 22
* Participants should arrive 30 minutes early for parking
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
The 5K Freestyle Fun race is open to skiers of all ages and abilities. Whether this is your first year skiing or your eighty-first year in the sport, this event is for you!

This is the perfect event to just be a part of the excitement and cross the finish line with big smiles. Cowbell for everyone!

This event is freestyle technique, meaning you can classic or skate ski the course.

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4355 Schwartz Road, Middleton, Wisconsin, United States, 53562

Last day to buy tickets

Monday, December 23, 2024

23:59, CST Sales ended

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