⭐️A Decade to Remember⭐️ Annual Gala

We are proudly celebrating 10 YEARS AS A NONPROFIT! We want to party with a bang, so prepare yourself for great food, live music, and memorable moments at our A DECADE TO REMEMBER GALA! And of course, the proceeds will go towards our children empowerment program!

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Last day to buy tickets

Friday, November 8, 2024

23:59, UTC

ticket details

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Two Ticket Special

$225 per ticket

$161 of the ticket price is tax-deductible

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We don't have that many tickets left. Please select Infinity or less.

1 General Admission Ticket

$125 per ticket

$93 of the ticket price is tax-deductible

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We don't have that many tickets left. Please select Infinity or less.

Only 3 left

1 Table (8 Tickets)

$850 per ticket

$594 of the ticket price is tax-deductible

Tickets warning icon

We don't have that many tickets left. Please select 3 or less.

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Would you like to make a separate donation?

Donations are a great way to support the organization. They’re also tax-deductible!

Donation Interval

Enter Donation Amount


Two Ticket Special

$225 ($161 tax-deductible) per ticket

1 General Admission Ticket

$125 ($93 tax-deductible) per ticket

1 Table (8 Tickets)

$850 ($594 tax-deductible) per ticket


Additional Donation

