2024 Harvest Festival in Stockton

Join us for a fun-filled, family-friendly event in Stockton, CA on Saturday, August 10! Guests will enjoy cooking demos, arts and crafts, games, and more. As always, there will be local organic produce giveaways and free compost for home gardeners. There is no cost to attend and all ages are welcome. We hope to see you there!⁠

Harvest Festival & Celebration

Saturday, August 10 from 10am-1pm⁠

Edible Schoolyard Stockton Community Farm

466 S Ventura Ave (Boggs Tract neighborhood)⁠

Stockton, CA ⁠95203

ESY Stockton is a classroom, gathering space, learning lab, and productive farm for South Stockton schools and community. Follow us on Instagram at @edibleschoolyardstockton to hear about upcoming events.⁠

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