In this workshop, community members will decorate small house-like structures inspired by Peruvian retablos (devotional paintings) and Mexican ofrendas (altars), which are commonly found in Latinx homes, which Cuadra calls Casitas. Through decorating these structures with thoughts, colors, and imagery, community members will explore their relationship to belonging and some of the central questions of the residency: How do we create a home miles away from our roots? How can we honor where we come from while being grateful for the land that we are in? What does belonging mean and look like to us? As each of us is a vessel for spiritual, mental, and physical matter, the vessels that we create will radiate what lies inside our hearts through their surfaces, into the spaces where things can be felt and heard.
This workshop will be run in partnership with Mudflat Studios, where Alejandra formed community connections during her time as a technical intern in 2023 and is currently subletting a studio. No prior painting or artistic experience is required to participate, as Alejandra and other facilitators will guide community members through decorating their Casitas! The resulting artwork will be exhibited at Piano Craft Gallery from August 2-18, 2024.
The Eliot School Artist in Residence and Teen Bridge Programs are funded in part by Mass CulturalCouncil’s YouthReach program, BPS Arts Expansion Fund at EdVestors, and City of Boston Office of Youth Employment & Opportunity SuccessLink Employment Program; with general support from the Barr Klarman Massachusetts Arts Initiative; Mass Cultural Council’s Cultural Investment Portfolio; and the Linde Family Foundation.